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Inpatient Care. 

Out of Hours

Feeding Newborn Kitten

Ensuring a high level of care.

If your pet requires more in-depth investigations, care, and treatment we offer the ability to hospitalise them during this time.


We have a designed the practice specifically to be able to offer separate kennel and cattery spaces so that if you pet requires surgery, investigations, or hospitalisation we can provide a clean, calm environment for them during their stay.


Our dedicated nursing team provide a high level of care for our patients, treating each pet as an individual and tailoring our care for their needs. We monitor any in-patients closely, administer any necessary medication, fluid therapy and nutrition and ensure that our patients can rest and recuperate. We also have an enclosed outdoor space so that our canine companions can have a chance to stretch their legs.


We do have the option to take care of patients overnight. However, we are not a hospital. If we do feel that your pet requires more intensive care than we can provide or longer-term hospitalisation, we may have to discuss the option of a potential transfer to a 24 hour hospital.

If you have any questions about inpatient care then please contact Phoenix Vets Loughborough today.

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